Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Halton Walk for Muscular Dystrophy

Last year the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy raised over $1,080,000 in 55 locations across Canada. In 2012, we will celebrate the 5th annual Walk for Muscular Dystrophy as our national signature fundraising event in support of Canadians affected by neuromuscular disorders.

Help make a difference by registering for the Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy at http://www.muscle.ca/walk and help raise funds to support those living with a neuromuscular disorder in your community. 

3rd Annual Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy will be May 6th at Coronation Park Oakville!!!  32 more days before the Walk begins.  Get your walking shoes on! Look forward in seening you there!

We are excited that Rita Carrey is joining us as as the Honorary Chair for the 2012 Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy from Giant FM Classic Rock

PSA from Global Toronto featuring Anthony Farnell...have you seen this on Global TV yet?

For more information or if you would like to get involved in the Planning Committee, please contact us at: walkformusculardystrophy.on@muscle.ca

Together, we can Make Muscles Move!


Make your own slide show at Animoto.

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